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Number 1 Rule of Money

June 13th, 2014 at 12:00 am

If I was only allowed to give one piece of advice about money, it would be: Don't live beyond your means.
Basically, you should not be relying on a credit card or loans to survive.
When I was 17 years old, I knew I wanted to get my own apartment with my fiance once I turned 18 years old. Although I semi regret the decision, I learned a great lot! I spent a year working my butt off and saving pretty much every penny (after bills of course). Also, we found a reasonable priced place to live close to my college. We ended up saving $6,000 together. With that we paid out security deposit, first months rent, furniture, etc. After that we ended up having 2 more months of rent. I then quite my job because we moved over 30 minutes away and I was going to be going to school full time. My fiance (boyfriend at the time) got a better job, but was pretty far away and he only made $12/hour. With all of that being said, we we able to be on our own with his income only and never needed a credit card once! I want to encourage everyone to get a credit card because they can do great things, but you need to know how to use it properly. I recently got my first credit card from Bank of America and I absolutely love it! I never use more than what is in my checking account so I never pay interest and the great thing is, I get cash rewards just for using it! If you use a credit card right, you can get FREE MONEY, and who doesn't like free money? I love it!

So remember Don't Live Beyond Your Means!
Does anybody have a different number one rule for money? I would love to hear it!